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K???>_called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/$?ao:f:_:X:T:P:L:H:@:5:):%::::::999999999999999w9m9c9       Error removing event listener AStroke path/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/ /Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/ borrowedalready mutably borrowed Error in : C C/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/^ Failed to add event listener/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/$ xDw /Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/ dark)wheelkeydownAltGrkeyupfullscreenchangekeypressblurfocus/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/"Failed to enter fullscreengFqzgFq}#Failed to obtain windowgFqgFq"gFqgFq#  assertion failed: validate_scale_factor(scale_factor)/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/ IT Unexpected backend |IC^Queue::submitSomehNonecannot poll Select twice/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/ failed: self.remaining_len() >= n/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/ Bezier tool - IcedBezier tool exampleClearTError sending event to subscription: DK%iced_futures::subscription::tracker/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/ invoked recursively or destroyed already/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/ borrowedalready mutably borrowed jauto/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/ !"#$/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/,Nr0.,Nr*Valid%/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/ /Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/ error: entered unreachable codeNWm/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/$Pec'/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/ uniforms layouticed_wgpu::quad uniforms buffericed_wgpu::quad uniforms bind groupiced_wgpu::quad pipeline layouticed_wgpu::quad::shaderstruct Globals { transform: mat4x4, scale: f32, } @group(0) @binding(0) var globals: Globals; struct VertexInput { @location(0) v_pos: vec2, @location(1) pos: vec2, @location(2) scale: vec2, @location(3) color: vec4, @location(4) border_color: vec4, @location(5) border_radius: vec4, @location(6) border_width: f32, } struct VertexOutput { @builtin(position) position: vec4, @location(0) color: vec4, @location(1) border_color: vec4, @location(2) pos: vec2, @location(3) scale: vec2, @location(4) border_radius: vec4, @location(5) border_width: f32, } @vertex fn vs_main(input: VertexInput) -> VertexOutput { var out: VertexOutput; var pos: vec2 = input.pos * globals.scale; var scale: vec2 = input.scale * globals.scale; var min_border_radius = min(input.scale.x, input.scale.y) * 0.5; var border_radius: vec4 = vec4( min(input.border_radius.x, min_border_radius), min(input.border_radius.y, min_border_radius), min(input.border_radius.z, min_border_radius), min(input.border_radius.w, min_border_radius) ); var transform: mat4x4 = mat4x4( vec4(scale.x + 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), vec4(0.0, scale.y + 1.0, 0.0, 0.0), vec4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0), vec4(pos - vec2(0.5, 0.5), 0.0, 1.0) ); out.color = input.color; out.border_color = input.border_color; out.pos = pos; out.scale = scale; out.border_radius = border_radius * globals.scale; out.border_width = input.border_width * globals.scale; out.position = globals.transform * transform * vec4(input.v_pos, 0.0, 1.0); return out; } fn distance_alg( frag_coord: vec2, position: vec2, size: vec2, radius: f32 ) -> f32 { var inner_size: vec2 = size - vec2(radius, radius) * 2.0; var top_left: vec2 = position + vec2(radius, radius); var bottom_right: vec2 = top_left + inner_size; var top_left_distance: vec2 = top_left - frag_coord; var bottom_right_distance: vec2 = frag_coord - bottom_right; var dist: vec2 = vec2( max(max(top_left_distance.x, bottom_right_distance.x), 0.0), max(max(top_left_distance.y, bottom_right_distance.y), 0.0) ); return sqrt(dist.x * dist.x + dist.y * dist.y); } // Based on the fragement position and the center of the quad, select one of the 4 radi. // Order matches CSS border radius attribute: // radi.x = top-left, radi.y = top-right, radi.z = bottom-right, radi.w = bottom-left fn select_border_radius(radi: vec4, position: vec2, center: vec2) -> f32 { var rx = radi.x; var ry = radi.y; rx = select(radi.x, radi.y, position.x > center.x); ry = select(radi.w, radi.z, position.x > center.x); rx = select(rx, ry, position.y > center.y); return rx; } @fragment fn fs_main( input: VertexOutput ) -> @location(0) vec4 { var mixed_color: vec4 = input.color; var border_radius = select_border_radius( input.border_radius, input.position.xy, (input.pos + input.scale * 0.5).xy ); if (input.border_width > 0.0) { var internal_border: f32 = max(border_radius - input.border_width, 0.0); var internal_distance: f32 = distance_alg( input.position.xy, input.pos + vec2(input.border_width, input.border_width), input.scale - vec2(input.border_width * 2.0, input.border_width * 2.0), internal_border ); var border_mix: f32 = smoothstep( max(internal_border - 0.5, 0.0), internal_border + 0.5, internal_distance ); mixed_color = mix(input.color, input.border_color, vec4(border_mix, border_mix, border_mix, border_mix)); } var dist: f32 = distance_alg( vec2(input.position.x, input.position.y), input.pos, input.scale, border_radius ); 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out.uv = uvs[input.vertex_index]; out.position = vec4(positions[input.vertex_index], 0.0, 1.0); return out; } @fragment fn fs_main(input: VertexOutput) -> @location(0) vec4 { return textureSample(u_texture, u_sampler, input.uv); } iced_wgpu::triangle::msaa pipelinevs_mainfs_main/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/Шaiced_wgpu::triangle::msaa render passШaiced_wgpu::triangle::msaa attachmenticed_wgpu::triangle::msaa resolve targeticed_wgpu::triangle::msaa texture bind groupiced_wgpu::triangle::solid vertex buffericed_wgpu::triangle::solid uniformsiced_wgpu::triangle::solid bind group layouticed_wgpu::triangle::solid pipeline layouticed_wgpu::triangle::solid create shader modulestruct Globals { transform: mat4x4, } @group(0) @binding(0) var globals: Globals; struct VertexInput { @location(0) position: vec2, @location(1) color: vec4, } struct VertexOutput { @builtin(position) position: vec4, @location(0) color: vec4, } @vertex fn vs_main(input: VertexInput) -> VertexOutput { var out: VertexOutput; out.color = input.color; out.position = globals.transform * vec4(input.position, 0.0, 1.0); return out; } @fragment fn fs_main(input: VertexOutput) -> @location(0) vec4 { return input.color; } iced_wgpu::triangle::solid pipelineiced_wgpu::triangle::solid bind groupSomeNonejkjlinternal error: entered unreachable code/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/ĭWmActive submission is done,>wgpu_core::device::life/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/`assertion failed: other.bind_group_layouts.is_empty()o` assertion failed: other.pipeline_layouts.is_empty()o` /Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/ not found in offsets.xbError when writing to dynamic uniform buffer.jmxb'/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/ `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` valuenhWFcapacity overflowhW56assertion failed: new_cap >= lenhW /Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/`d1/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/Աd Աd0attempt to calculate the remainder with a divisor of zero/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/ d opwgpu_glyph::Pipeline instances/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/^called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value/rustc/90743e7298aca107ddaa0c202a4d3604e29bfeb6/library/alloc/src/collections/btree/navigate.rs_L /Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/`Voffset of bytes is not aligned to alignment of bytesȴ Ҵ&/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/] iced_wgpu::triangle vertex buffericed_wgpu::triangle render pass/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/ȵ\V-internal error: entered unreachable code/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/ `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` valuerDropping Globalwgpu_core::hub/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/ `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` valueBXBX[] is no longer aliveĸŸBX[ ] does not existĸBXW'called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value/rustc/90743e7298aca107ddaa0c202a4d3604e29bfeb6/library/alloc/src/collections/btree/navigate.rsg_L st????wgpu_glyph::Pipeline uniformswgpu_glyph::Pipeline instancesGlyph Shaderstruct Globals { transform: mat4x4, } @group(0) @binding(0) var globals: Globals; @group(0) @binding(1) var font_sampler: sampler; @group(0) @binding(2) var font_tex: texture_2d; struct VertexInput { @builtin(vertex_index) vertex_index: u32, @location(0) left_top: vec3, @location(1) right_bottom: vec2, @location(2) tex_left_top: vec2, @location(3) tex_right_bottom: vec2, @location(4) color: vec4, } struct VertexOutput { @builtin(position) position: vec4, @location(0) f_tex_pos: vec2, @location(1) f_color: vec4, } @vertex fn vs_main(input: VertexInput) -> VertexOutput { var out: VertexOutput; var pos: vec2 = vec2(0.0, 0.0); var left: f32 = input.left_top.x; var right: f32 = input.right_bottom.x; var top: f32 = input.left_top.y; var bottom: f32 = input.right_bottom.y; switch (i32(input.vertex_index)) { case 0: { pos = vec2(left, top); out.f_tex_pos = input.tex_left_top; } case 1: { pos = vec2(right, top); out.f_tex_pos = vec2(input.tex_right_bottom.x, input.tex_left_top.y); } case 2: { pos = vec2(left, bottom); out.f_tex_pos = vec2(input.tex_left_top.x, input.tex_right_bottom.y); } case 3: { pos = vec2(right, bottom); out.f_tex_pos = input.tex_right_bottom; } default: {} } out.f_color = input.color; out.position = globals.transform * vec4(pos, input.left_top.z, 1.0); return out; } @fragment fn fs_main(input: VertexOutput) -> @location(0) vec4 { var alpha: f32 = textureSample(font_tex, font_sampler, input.f_tex_pos).r; if (alpha <= 0.0) { discard; } return input.f_color * vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, alpha); } vs_mainfs_main/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/ ^ywgpu_glyph::pipeline render pass/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/ `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` valueuWFcapacity overflowW56assertion failed: new_cap >= lenW Active submission is donewgpu_core::device::life/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/`assertion failed: other.bind_group_layouts.is_empty()` assertion failed: other.pipeline_layouts.is_empty()` failed to wait for the device: wgpu_core::device/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/ Destroying command encoders _wgpu_glyph::Cachewgpu_glyph::Cache upload buffer/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/ d\ d]#called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value dW   $  $        &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&             /Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0(((((((((1234 56789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHI(((J((((KLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[((\]^_`_abcdefghijk((((((lm(((((nopqr(stuvwxyz{|||}~|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||(|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||(((((( (AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA||||||||((((((                                                           !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!########################################################################""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""                            *     ((((((         %%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%              !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                          #######################"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&      %%%%%%%%%%       !"#$%&'()*+,-./01234567859:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPBQRSTUVWXYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYZYYYYYYYYYYY[YYYY\]YYYYY^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxYYYYyz{|YYYYYY}~YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY                                                          ''''''''''''''''''''''''''(((((((()))))(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( X2 X7)X8 X;-X<X=5X= X@-XAXB0XCXD7XD  .$%& /$%& 0$%& 1$% 2$% 3 !"#$%&'()€ 5$ 6$% 7$%& € 9$%  : !"#$%&'()  ;$%  <$% =$% >$%&€ @$% A$%& B !"#$%&'() C$%& D !"#$%&() E !"#$%&'() F$%& G$%& H$ I$%& J L !"#$%&'() M"#$% N"$% ! 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A subset of the features can still be used. If you are running this program on native and not in a browser and wish to limit the features you use to the supported subset, call Adapter::downlevel_properties or Device::downlevel_properties to get a listing of the features the current platform supports.iwgpu_core::instance/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/,k,k?k]EXe ,k,k?k]JFeature MAPPABLE_PRIMARY_BUFFERS enabled on a discrete gpu. This is a massive performance footgun and likely not what you wantedk,k,k?k]SError: l,k,k?k]called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` valueDropping Globalmwgpu_core::hub/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/ 6mX*6mX6mX6mX6mX6mX6mX6mX6mX6mX6mX6mX6mX#called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value6mX6mX6mX&Index is already occupiedo o6mX6mX 6mXv6mXy%[] does not existmpoqo6mXx ] is no longer alivempoo6mX[ 6mXW'6mX&6mXCannot remove a vacant resourcep6mX 6mXm 6mXi+pp ypp<-pppQuerySetSamplerBufferDeviceCommandBufferComputePipelineTextureViewAdapterPipelineLayoutShaderModuleStagingBufferTextureBindGroupLayoutRenderPipelineBindGroupRenderBundlebuffer is droppedaqhq wgpu_core::device/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/ to wait for buffer : r:rqqq_kq_K%device xrhq qqq_-q_8 q_sampler rhq qqq_q_ texture shq qqq_0q_FFailed to wait for texture Ts:rqqq_Zq_9%Buffer bind group s hq qqq_q_ configuring surface with sqqq_-q_H surface configuration failed: Ltqqq_oq_dq_IAtexture view t hq qqq_q_Failed to wait for texture view t :rqqq_ map state -> IdlesHuqqq_*q_'shader module uhq qqq_q_command buffer uhq qqq_q_rcommand encoder 0vhq qqq_q_q_ '(wgpu internal) initializing unmappable bufferq_ #q_" #q_. 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End of Frame8X~X~}\Hacquire error: tX~X~}\Q}\>@internal error: entered unreachable code}\A>}\wX~X~}\(wgpu internal) clear surface texture view}\}\ /Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/]Some adapters are present, but enumerating them failed!7wgpu_core::instance  p]eAdapter PX  p]p] assertion failed: (*next).value.is_some()/rustc/90743e7298aca107ddaa0c202a4d3604e29bfeb6/library/std/src/sync/mpsc/spsc_queue.rsW assertion failed: (*n).value.is_none()W /rustc/90743e7298aca107ddaa0c202a4d3604e29bfeb6/library/std/src/sync/mpsc/sync.rsQattempt to calculate the remainder with a divisor of zeroQcalled `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` valueQ internal error: entered unreachable codeQN(called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` valueQ0QQ$Qdescription() is deprecated; use Displayassertion failed: mid <= self.len()attempt to join into collection with len > usize::MAX/rustc/90743e7298aca107ddaa0c202a4d3604e29bfeb6/library/alloc/src/str.rsHH/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/ Qassertion failed: 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views8@/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/ assertion failed: self.initial_range.start <= offset && end <= self.initial_range.endS{ Intersecting map range with LS} unable to remove range from map contextSBuffer slices can not be emptySO Buffer is already mappedS S{ S S S S Out of Memorydescription() is deprecated; use Displaycalled `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/ _)__attempt to calculate the remainder with a divisor of zero_internal error: entered unreachable code_n.(wgpu internal) clear texture viewfailed to wait for the device: fwgpu_core::device_ Waiting for submission _ wait_for_submit is not expected to work with closures5_ called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` valueSampledTextureArray, ReadonlyStorageTextureArray or WriteonlyStorageTextureArraySampledTexture, ReadonlyStorageTexture or WriteonlyStorageTextureSamplerCreate view for texture filters usages to '_@_Shader error: x_UniformBuffer, StorageBuffer or ReadonlyStorageBuffer_u _ _failed implicitColor targets: 3_ The fragment stage output @location() values are ignoredh{_ EP is invalidNot enough bind group IDs () specified for the implicit layout ()%%_ _ 0_s_`Feature 'trace' is not enabled_S(wgpu internal) zero init buffer_ _____#_(_-Destroying command encodersx _assertion failed: ptr != EMPTY/rustc/90743e7298aca107ddaa0c202a4d3604e29bfeb6/library/std/src/sync/mpsc/stream.rsS assertion failed: n >= 0Sassertion failed: second.is_none()Sassertion failed: *self.queue.consumer_addition().steals.get() >= 0SS!description() is deprecated; use DisplayValid/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/ called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` valueW BufferDescriptorlabelsizeusagemapped_at_creationmip_level_countsample_countdimensionformat  ęTextureDescriptorS S /Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/Кbattempt to calculate the remainder with a divisor of zero/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/ to divide by zeroXRinternal error: entered unreachable 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invoked twice/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/]yMap callback was leakedx] label{|ShaderErrorsource{}{~inner{{InvalidGroupIndexbind{Ngroup{limitMissingFeatures{Validation{Device{GenerationParsing{{{رshader global uses a group index that exceeds the max_bind_groups limit of ."6+aFailed to generate the backend-specific code,ProgrammableStageDescriptormodule{entry_point{Pipeline{BindGroup{ReflectionError{PMissingIds{unable to reflect the shader interfacex missing IDs for deriving bind groupsɳ layout{stage{MissingDownlevelFlags{InternalStage{Implicit{InvalidLayout(({ { Ĵunable to derive an implicit layout#pipeline layout is invalid,VertexBufferLayoutarray_stride{step_mode{attributes{VertexStatebuffers{FragmentStatetargets{vertexprimitivedepth_stencilmultisamplefragmentmultiview   '/ {{{{{{RenderPipelineDescriptorInvalidMinMaxBlendFactors{SIncompatibleFormatpipeline{shaderFormatNotMultisampled{QFormatNotColorFormatNotBlendableFormatNotRenderableblend factors for must be `One`output format is incompatible with the shader ط!format can't be multisampled does not have a color aspectH is not blendablex is not renderableFormatNotStencilFormatNotDepth does not have a stencil aspect, but stencil test/write is enabled޸B does not have a depth aspect, but depth test/write is enabled0>errorConservativeRasterizationNonFillPolygonModeStripIndexFormatForNonStripTopologystrip_index_format{Utopology{TInvalidVertexAttributeOffsetlocationoffsetUnalignedVertexStrideindexstrideVertexStrideTooLargegivenTooManyVertexAttributesTooManyVertexBuffersTooManyColorAttachmentsInvalidSampleCountDepthStencilState{ColorState{{{{{@Internal error in shader: | error matching shader requirements against the pipeline)Conservative Rasterization is only supported for wgt::PolygonMode::FillGstrip index format was not set to None but to while using the non-strip topology @.n$vertex attribute at location has invalid offset vertex buffer stride does not respect `VERTEX_STRIDE_ALIGNMENT`+ exceeds the limit Dthe total number of vertex attributes p&Dthe number of vertex buffers Dthe number of color attachments ؽ Dinvalid sample count depth/stencil state is invalid(color state [] is invalidP ] InvalidMapAlreadyPendingAlreadyMappedNegativeRangestartendOutOfBoundsOverrunmaxOutOfBoundsUnderrunminUnalignedRangeSizerange_sizeUnalignedOffsetUnalignedRangeNotMappedMissingBufferUsage{Destroyedbuffer map range start is greater than end Qhbuffer access out of bounds: last index would overrun the buffer (limit: )("ڿbuffer access out of bounds: index would underrun the buffer (limit: ##ڿbuffer range size invalid: range_size must be multiple of 4T&zbuffer offset invalid: offset must be multiple of 8buffer map range must start aligned to `MAP_ALIGNMENT` and end to `COPY_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT`Ybuffer is not mappedHbuffer map is pendingdbuffer is already mappedbuffer is destroyedbuffer is invalidMaxBufferSizerequestedmaximumUsageMismatch{GEmptyUsageUnalignedSizeAccessError{{{L!!Buffer size is greater than the maximum buffer size ( *ڿ`MAP` usage can only be combined with the opposite `COPY`, requested EBuffers cannot have empty usage flags(%buffers that are mapped at creation have to be aligned to `COPY_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT`XQfailed to map buffer while creating: %ZYXMultisampledDepthOrArrayLayerNotMultipleOfBlockHeightheightblock_heightformatNotMultipleOfBlockWidthwidthblock_widthLimitExceededdim{YZeroMultisampled texture depth or array layers must be 1, got :Height is not a multiple of 's block height (ڿWidth 's block width (ڿSample count is invalidL Y Dimension value exceeds the limit of t ~ is zerot MultisampledNotRenderAttachmentInvalidMultisampledFormatInvalidMultisampledStorageBindingInvalidDimensionUsages{[{ZInvalidFormatUsages{InvalidMipLevelCountInvalidCompressedDimensionInvalidDepthDimensionInvalidDimension{Texture format can't be used due to missing features.'Multisampled textures must have RENDER_ATTACHMENT usage,7Format does not support multisamplinglsTexture usage STORAGE_BINDING is not allowed for multisampled texturesFTexture usages are not allowed on a texture of dimensions , are not allowed on a texture of type @&8 due to downlevel restrictionsTexture descriptor mip level count is invalid, maximum allowed is # Compressed texture () can't be created as Depth texture (0Textures cannot have empty usage flagsP&{\FormatReinterpretationtextureviewInvalidAspecttexture_formatrequested_aspect{]InvalidArrayLayerCountTooManyArrayLayerstotalTooManyMipLevelsInvalidCubemapArrayTextureDepthdepthInvalidCubemapTextureDepthInvalidMultisampledTextureViewDimensionInvalidTextureViewDimensionOutOfMemoryInvalidTextureUnable to view texture as Aspect is not in the source texture format %Requested array layer count is not valid for the target view dimension ,H,TextureView array layer count + base array layer must be <= Texture depth/array layer count 1,TextureView mip level count + base mip level must be <= Texture mip level count -!$Invalid texture depth `` for texture view of dimension `CubemapArray`. Cubemap views must use images with sizes which are a multiple of 6.Xos` for texture view of dimension `Cubemap`. Cubemap views must use images of size 6.XSInvalid texture view dimension `` of a multisampled textureX x` with texture of dimension ``X not enough memory leftparent texture is invalid or destroyed&TooManyObjectsInvalidClampcannot create any more samplersFinvalid anisotropic clamp , must be one of 1, 2, 4, 8 or 16p!description() is deprecated; use Displayattempt to divide by zeroL((destination/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/ to calculate the remainder with a divisor of zeroe eexe{sample_countInvalidSampleCountUnimplementedDestroyedBufferusing in a render bundle is not implementedX^&buffer is destroyed formatMissingDownlevelFlagsDrawRenderCommandDeviceNotValidToUseTresource is not valid to use with this render bundle because the resource and the bundle come from different devicestRenderBundleErrorscopeinnerLDestinationSourceInvalidMipLevelrequestedcountMemoryInitFailureMismatchedTextureFormatssrc_formatQdst_formatInvalidDepthTextureExtentCopyToForbiddenTextureFormatCopyFromForbiddenTextureFormatMismatchedAspectsInvalidRowsPerImageInvalidCopySizeInvalidBytesPerRowUnspecifiedRowsPerImageUnspecifiedBytesPerRowUnalignedBytesPerRowUnalignedCopyOriginYUnalignedCopyOriginXUnalignedCopyHeightUnalignedCopyWidthUnalignedCopySizeUnalignedBufferOffsetInvalidTextureMipLevelleveltotalInvalidTextureAspectaspect]TextureOverrunstart_offsetend_offsettexture_sizedimensionYsideBufferOverrunbuffer_sizeMissingCopyDstUsageFlagMissingCopySrcUsageFlagSameSourceDestinationBufferInvalidTextureInvalidBufferRequested mip level does no exist (count: )Source texture sample count must be 1, got +Cannot encode this copy because of a missing downelevel flagP<source format () and destination format () are differentthe entire texture must be copied when copying from depth textureAcopying to textures with format is forbidden0 P copying from textures with format p"P source and destination layers have different aspects4number of rows per image is invalid#image is 1D and the copy height and depth are not both set to 1 ?number of bytes per row is less than the number of bytes in a complete rowTJnumber of rows per image needs to be specified since more than one image is copiedRnumber of bytes per row needs to be specified since more than one row is copiedObytes per row does not respect `COPY_BYTES_PER_ROW_ALIGNMENT`\=copy origin's y component is not a multiple of block height;copy origin's x component is not a multiple of block width:copy height is not a multiple of block height,-copy width is not a multiple of block widthd+copy size does not respect `COPY_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT` )buffer offset is not aligned to block size or `COPY_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT`8unable to select texture mip level out of 4#Wunable to select texture aspect from fromat p  copy of .. would end up overrunning the bounds of the texture of size ,        buffer of size ,destination buffer/texture is missing the `COPY_DST` usage flag?source buffer/texture is missing the `COPY_SRC` usage flagd:Source and destination cannot be the same buffer0texture is invalid or destroyedTransferEncoderCopy errorP NotRecordingInvalidcommand encoder must be activewcommand encoder is invalidPopDebugGroupDispatchindirectpipelineExecuteBundleEndPipelineStatisticsQueryBeginPipelineStatisticsQueryWriteTimestampQueryResetindexedSetScissorRectSetViewportSetIndexBufferSetVertexBufferSetPushConstantSetPipelineComputeSetPipelineRenderSetBindGroupPassBundleIn a pop_debug_group command"In a dispatch command, indirect:H In a execute_bundle commandpIn a end_pipeline_statistics_query command*In a begin_pipeline_statistics_query command,In a write_timestamp commandWhile resetting queries after the renderpass was ran 4In a draw command, indexed: indirect:\w In a set_scissor_rect commandIn a set_viewport commandIn a set_index_buffer commandIn a set_vertex_buffer commandIn a set_push_constant command0In a set_pipeline commandXIn a set_bind_group command|In a pass parameterIn a bundle parameter[] is no longer alive/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/ X[ ] does not existt XW' <-InvalidIddescription() is deprecated; use Display}called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value/rustc/90743e7298aca107ddaa0c202a4d3604e29bfeb6/library/alloc/src/collections/btree/map/`u WithSpaninnerspans..L..=X (exhausted)d IndexSet: index out of bounds/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/\08d\88d\@8d\H((/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/]Z(assertion failed: old_size < Self::MAX/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/ RX PipelineStatisticsTimestampOcclusionInvalidQuerySetInvalidBufferResolveUseEncoder((t  QuerySet is invalid or destroyed Buffer Error encountered while trying to resolve a query81Error encountered while trying to use queriest-IncompatibleTypeset_typequery_typeAlreadyStoppedAlreadyStartedactive_query_indexnew_query_indexUsedTwiceInsideRenderpassquery_indexOutOfBoundsquery_set_sizeA query of type was started using a query set of type Xh'Query was stopped while there was no active query1Query was started while query was already active. No more than one statistic or occlusion query may be active at onceX has already been used within the same renderpass. Queries must only be used once per renderpassl` is out of bounds for a query set of size *start_queryend_querystridebuffer_sizebuffer_start_offsetbuffer_end_offset # ,2 =PBufferOverrunQueryOverrunBufferOffsetAlignmentMissingBufferUsageResolving queries ( byte queries) will end up overrunning the bounds of the destination buffer of size using offsets LTLL would overrun the query set of size L%Resolve buffer offset has to be aligned to `QUERY_RESOLVE_BUFFER_ALIGNMENTJQueries can only be resolved to buffers that contain the COPY_DST usage GStuckGpuWrongSubmissionIndexDeviceassertion failed: idx < CAPACITY/rustc/90743e7298aca107ddaa0c202a4d3604e29bfeb6/library/alloc/src/collections/btree/node.rsassertion failed: edge.height == self.height - 1[ [ assertion failed: src.len() == dst.len()[[V[assertion failed: edge.height == self.node.height - 1[ called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value/rustc/90743e7298aca107ddaa0c202a4d3604e29bfeb6/library/alloc/src/collections/btree/navigate.rsK_L K_ just pushed an element that disappeared/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/>hZ"failed despite previous check/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/"failed to write whole buffer  formatter error\(/rustc/90743e7298aca107ddaa0c202a4d3604e29bfeb6/library/std/src/io/mod.rsxI$xI( advancing io slices beyond their length'xI&     a Display implementation returned an error unexpectedly/rustc/90743e7298aca107ddaa0c202a4d3604e29bfeb6/library/alloc/src/string.rsK called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value /Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/`'  internal error: entered unreachable code/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/[38;2;[48;2;[38;5;[48;5;W+wgpucalled `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/]oLimit '' value is better than allowed invalid surface8invalid adapterPsurface is not supported by the adapterh'unsupported features were requested: %not enough memory leftdevice has no queue supporting graphics'device initialization failed due to implementation specific errorsBconnection to device was lost during initializationd3parent adapter is invalidadapter is invalidRangedStatesrangesmax_texture_dimension_1dmax_texture_dimension_2dmax_texture_dimension_3dmax_texture_array_layersmax_bind_groupsmax_dynamic_uniform_buffers_per_pipeline_layoutmax_dynamic_storage_buffers_per_pipeline_layoutmax_sampled_textures_per_shader_stagemax_samplers_per_shader_stagemax_storage_buffers_per_shader_stagemax_storage_textures_per_shader_stagemax_uniform_buffers_per_shader_stagemax_uniform_buffer_binding_sizemax_storage_buffer_binding_sizemax_vertex_buffersmax_vertex_attributesmax_vertex_buffer_array_stridemax_push_constant_sizemin_uniform_buffer_offset_alignmentmin_storage_buffer_offset_alignmentmax_inter_stage_shader_componentsmax_compute_workgroup_storage_sizemax_compute_invocations_per_workgroupmax_compute_workgroup_size_xmax_compute_workgroup_size_ymax_compute_workgroup_size_zmax_compute_workgroups_per_dimensionmax_buffer_sizedescription() is deprecated; use Displaycalled `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value/rustc/90743e7298aca107ddaa0c202a4d3604e29bfeb6/library/alloc/src/collections/btree/navigate.rs_: PTCapacityErrorh insufficient capacityRequested size x is outside of the supported range: $wgpu_core::device/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/ choosing presentation mode by rule . Chose 1_internal error: entered unreachable code: *Fallback system failed to choose present mode. This is a bug. Mode: , Options: 0Dt _Automatically choosing alpha mode by rule *_Fallback system failed to choose alpha mode. This is a bug. AlphaMode: Gt _InvalidTextureLayerRangetexture_layer_rangesubresource_base_array_layersubresource_array_layer_countInvalidTextureLevelRangetexture_level_rangesubresource_base_mip_levelsubresource_mip_level_countMissingTextureAspecttexture_formatQsubresource_range_aspects]MissingCopyDstUsageFlagBufferOverrunstart_offsetend_offsetbuffer_sizeUnalignedBufferOffsetUnalignedFillSizeNoValidTextureClearModeInvalidTextureInvalidBufferInvalidDeviceInvalidCommandEncoderMissingClearTextureFeatureimage subresource layer range is outside of the texture's layer range. texture range is , whereas subesource range specified start and count Xf, image subresource level range is outside of the texture's level range. texture range is Xf, texture lacks the aspects that were specified in the image subresource range. Texture with format , specified was (bdestination buffer is missing the `COPY_DST` usage flag7clear of .. would end up overrunning the bounds of the buffer of size  ;buffer offset is not a multiple of `COPY_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT`LZ-buffer clear size Z-texture can not be cleared is invalid or destroyedbuffer device is invalid(/ command encoder L/ to use clear_texture the CLEAR_TEXTURE feature needs to be enabledlBGPU got stuck :(surface was unconfigured before the command buffer got submitted@surface output was dropped before the command buffer got submitted B is destroyedd  d  IncompatibleMultiviewIncompatibleSampleCountIncompatibleDepthStencilAttachmentIncompatibleColorAttachmentIncompatible multiview: the renderpass expected but was given  0M Incompatible sample count: the renderpass expected l 3M Incompatible depth-stencil attachment: the renderpass expected ?M Incompatible color attachment: the renderpass expected 7M OutOfMemorynot enough memory leftS LostInvalidparent device is lost parent device is invalid MissingFeaturesLFeatures are required but not enabled on the device  +MissingDownlevelFlagsVDownlevel flags are required but not supported on the device. H X /This is not an invalid use of WebGPU: the underlying API or device does not support enough features to be a fully compliant implementation. A subset of the features can still be used. If you are running this program on native and not in a browser and wish to work around this issue, call Adapter::downlevel_properties or Device::downlevel_properties to get a listing of the features the current platform supports. %%&%'%%(%)%*%%%+%,%-%Q%description() is deprecated; use Display%(.%(/.H01234%85%86578274IndexState::update_limit must be called after a index buffer is set/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/;:x<=2<4attachment>>?24%%offsetDispatch%%index%BindingSizeTooSmall%@InvalidGroupSizecurrentlimitIncompatibleBindGroupMissingPipelineeach current dispatch group size dimension () must be less or equal to ,the pipeline layout, associated with the current compute pipeline, contains a bind group layout at index which is incompatible with the bind group layout associated with the bind group at iT  compute pipeline must be set0MissingDownlevelFlags%MissingFeatures%QueryUse%PushConstants%ABind%B%CInvalidPopDebugGroupMissingBufferUsage%ResourceUsageConflict%DInvalidBufferIndirectBufferOverrunend_offsetbuffer_sizeInvalidIndirectBufferInvalidQuerySetInvalidPipelineBindGroupIndexOutOfRangemaxInvalidBindGroupEncoder%cannot pop debug group, because number of pushed debug groups is zeroEbuffer is invalid or destroyedT[indirect buffer uses bytes .. which overruns indirect buffer of size (indirect buffer [QuerySet is invalid  compute pipeline (  bind group index is greater than the device's requested `max_bind_group` limit L]?bind group   ComputePassErrorscope%inner%E %MultiViewDimensionMismatchMultiViewMismatchDraw%RenderCommand%IncompatibleBundleRodspass_depthpass_stencilbundle_depthbundle_stencilIncompatibleBundleTargets%FIndirectCountBufferOverrunbegin_count_offsetend_count_offsetcount_buffer_sizecount%InvalidValuesOffsetSampleCountMismatchactualexpectedInvalidStencilOpsInvalidDepthOpsOutOfMemorySurfaceTextureDroppedMismatchedResolveTextureFormatsrcdstInvalidResolveSampleCountsInvalidSampleCountAttachmentsDimensionMismatchprevious%!mismatchMissingAttachmentsUnsupportedResolveTargetFormatInvalidDepthStencilAttachmentFormatInvalidColorAttachmentFormatInvalidAttachmentGHGIHJKLMmultiview pass texture views with more than one array layer must have D2Array dimensionWmultiview layer count must matchp render bundle has incompatible read-only flags: bundle has flags depth = and stencil = , while the pass has flags depth = . Read-only renderpasses are only compatible with read-only bundles for that aspect.I#Trender bundle has incompatible targets, (indirect draw uses bytes ( (setting `values_offset` to be `None` is only for internal use in render bundlesOall attachments must have the same sample count, found != p7unable to clear non-present/read-only stencil-unable to clear non-present/read-only depth+not enough memory left(surface texture is dropped before the render pass is finishedH=resource source format () must match the resolve destination format ()-resolve source must be multi-sampled (has samples) while the resolve destination must not be multisampled (has samples)*F` attachment's sample count   attachments have differing sizes: is followed by "missing color or depth_stencil attachments, at least one is required.Eattachment format can not be resolvedDV is not a depth-stencil formatD| is not a color formatDattachment texture view   (using count  RenderPassError%Ndescription() is deprecated; use DisplayU($U(%$d &VWXYUU ZWYmin_storage_buffer_offset_alignmentmin_uniform_buffer_offset_alignmentMissingDownlevelFlagsUMissingFeaturesUArrayUnsupportedStorageTextureReadWriteStorageTextureCubearrays of bindings unsupported for this type of binding!7Read-write and read-only storage textures are not allowed by webgpu, they require the native only feature TEXTURE_ADAPTER_SPECIFIC_FORMAT_FEATURES!cube dimension is not expected for texture storage|"2InvalidBindingIndexbindingUmaximumTooManyBindingsU[EntryerrorU\ConflictBindingDeviceUU]U^]P#_`W_YBinding index is greater than the maximum index ###binding entry is invalid##conflicting binding at index #ResourceUsageConflictUDStorageReadNotSupportedUQDepthStencilAspectWrongSamplerFilteringlayout_fltUsampler_fltWrongSamplerComparisonlayout_cmpsampler_cmpInvalidStorageTextureMipLevelCountmip_level_countInvalidStorageTextureFormatlayout_formatview_formatInvalidTextureDimensionlayout_dimensionU\view_dimensionInvalidTextureSampleTypelayout_sample_typeUSInvalidTextureMultisamplelayout_multisampledview_samplesWrongBindingTypeactualURexpectedUBufferRangeTooLargegivenlimitUnalignedBufferOffsetUSingleBindingExpectedMissingTextureUsageUaMissingBufferUsageUMissingBindingDeclarationDuplicateBindingBindingsNumMismatchUbBindingZeroSizeUBindingSizeTooSmallbufferminBindingRangeTooLargerangeUQsizeBindingArrayZeroLengthBindingArrayLengthMismatchBindingArrayPartialLengthMismatchInvalidSamplerUInvalidTextureUInvalidTextureViewUInvalidBufferInvalidLayoutthe adapter does not support read access for storages texture of format r(Hbound texture views can not have both depth and stencil aspects enabled(Gsampler binding expects filtering = , but given a sampler with filtering = )$)9)' expects comparison = , but given a sampler with comparison = )x))(storage texture bindings must have a single mip level, but given a view with mip_level_count = at binding )_/* storage texture binding expects format = , but given a view with format = L*d*v*!texture binding expects dimension = , but given a view with dimension = ***$ expects sample type = *+v*! expects multisampled = , but given a view with samples = *D+\+" has a different type () than the one in the layout ()#+++buffer binding range exceeds `max_*_buffer_binding_size` limit ++,+buffer offset does not respect device's requested `` limit L,Z,&,binding declared as a single item, but bind group is using it as an array,Iunable to find a corresponding declaration for the given binding ,A is used at least twice in the descriptor#@-)number of bindings in bind group descriptor () does not match the number of bindings defined in the bind group layout (|---J+buffer binding size is zero .buffer binding size is less than minimum 0.D.bound buffer range does not fit in buffer of size l.. array binding provided zero elements.$binding count declared with exactly items, but items were provided.$/ /binding count declared with at most 8/$/ /sampler is invalidt/|/ texture /|/ texture view / |/ buffer is invalid or destroyed//bind group layout is invalid0PipelineStageUPwhole pipelineD0stage \0BindingTypeMaxCountErrorkindUPzoneUccounttoo many bindings of type in , limit is , count was 000 0 UniformBuffersStorageTexturesStorageBuffersSamplersSampledTexturesDynamicStorageBuffersDynamicUniformBuffersUTooManyGroupsmaxPushConstantRangeTooLargeindexUMoreThanOnePushConstantRangePerStageprovidedintersectedMisalignedPushConstantRangeboundInvalidBindGroupLayoutbind group layout count exceeds device bind group limit 12I2!push constant at index has range .. which exceeds device push constant size limit 0..|22 222push constant range (index ) provides for stage(s) but there exists another range that provides stage(s) . Each stage may only be provided by one range23'37^3. has range bound not aligned to |233bind group layout 3|/ UnalignedUnmatchedStagesunmatchedMissingStagesidxmissingPartialRangeMatchmatchedTooLargeoffsetend_offsetUdprovided push constant offset does not respect `PUSH_CONSTANT_ALIGNMENT`44+provided push constant is for stage(s) , however the pipeline layout has no push constant range for the stage(s) 4' 5J, but intersects a push constant range (at index ) with stage(s) . Push constants must provide the stages for all ranges they intersect4'h5155F, stage with a partial match found at index with stage(s) , however push constants must be complete matches4'6,<6K61provided push constant with indices overruns matching push constant range at index , with stage(s) and indices 6$26067 DynamicBindingOutOfBoundsUnalignedDynamicBindingalignmentlimit_nameMismatchedDynamicOffsetCountdynamic binding at index with offset would overrun the buffer (limit: 77 7"+: offset 78 Z,&,number of dynamic offsets () doesn't match the number of dynamic bindings in the bind group layout (,8G8I+LateMinBufferBindingSizeMismatchgroup_indexcompact_indexshader_sizebound_sizeBuffer is bound with size where the shader expects in group[] compact index 89)9 39/rustc/90743e7298aca107ddaa0c202a4d3604e29bfeb6/library/core/src/slice/sort.rsd9Nd9N d9N d9N d9N d9Nd9N$d9N d9N'd9NFailed to insert into arena. Handle overflows/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/ error: entered unreachable code/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/;Wmcapacity overflow/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/;O&called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` valuee;WF;W56assertion failed: index < len;W) assertion failed: new_cap >= len;W no entry found for keydescription() is deprecated; use Displayx@==@==== interpolated as with sampling =t==internal error: entered unreachable code/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/ depth formatD>=_=_& Unexpected varying type: >wgpu_core::validation>>=_EMissing binding for a varying>>>=_Y=_m=_p@called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value=_=_=_=_(=_=_<=_=_=_%=_%=_'=_'assertion failed: texture_layout.visibility.contains(stage_bit)=_assertion failed: sampler_layout.visibility.contains(stage_bit)=_Vertex shader with entry point outputs a @builtin(position) without the @invariant attribute and is used in a pipeline with . On some machines, this can cause bad artifacting as assumes the values output from the vertex shader exactly match the value in the depth buffer. The @invariant attribute on the @builtin(position) vertex output ensures that the exact same pixel depths are used every render.@@^IA6A   >>=_vdimvqvrvvNtyvoMatrixvwVectorScalarNumericTypevxkindvywidthvInterfaceVarvinterpolationvssamplingvtlocationvvzvMissingBufferUsageErroractualvGexpectedbuffer usage is which does not contain required usage DD'MissingTextureUsageErrorv[texture usage is ED'UnsupportedTextureStorageAccessvnBadStorageFormatvQInconsistentlyDerivedTypeWrongSamplerComparisonWrongTextureClassbindingshaderWrongTextureViewDimensionis_arrayvRWrongBufferSizeWrongAddressSpaceWrongTypeWrongUsagerequiredallowedInvisibleMissingstorage texture usage doesn't have a matching supported `StorageTextureAccess`JF`F9texture format is not supported for storage useFF!derived bind group layout type is not consistent between stagesF?comparison flag doesn't match the shader4G(texture class doesn't match the shader dGrGview dimension (is array: ) doesn't match the binding GG Gbuffer structure size , added to one element of an unbound array, if it's the last field, ended up greater than the given `min_binding_size`GHvstorage class HrGtype on the shader side does not match the pipeline bindingH;The shader requires the load/store access flags but only is allowedH0I &I visibility flags don't include the shader stageLI/binding is missing from the pipeline layoutI+NonFilterableIntegernon-filterable float textureIinteger textures can't be sampledI!SamplingMismatchInterpolationMismatchinput sampling doesn't match provided AJ&input interpolation doesn't match provided pJ+input type is not compatible with the provided J/input is not provided by the earlier stage in the pipelineJ:InputNotConsumedInputvarerrorv{Filteringtexturesamplerv|Bindingv}MissingEntryPointv}TooManyVaryingsusedlimitInvalidWorkgroupSizecurrenttotalInvalidModulev~v~Kvv8Lv v tLlocation[] is provided by the previous stage output but is not consumed as input by this stage.L LV] is not provided by the previous stage outputsL M"M.unable to filter the texture () by the sampler ()hMMMshader global is not available in the layout pipeline layoutMM/unable to find entry point ''N Nshader uses inter-stage components above the limit of 4N @N+shader entry point current workgroup size must be less or equal to of total |N*NN shader module is invalidN description() is deprecated; use Displaycalled `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/"Push constant offset must be aligned to 4 bytes.TR0Qc Push constant size must be aligned to 4 bytes.R.Qc /Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/,"RdJ RdO Scalled `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/ /Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/  Uconflicting usages. Current usage and new usage . is an exclusive usage and cannot be used with any otherusages within the usage scope (renderpass or compute dispatch)vertex . Did you bind the correct `Vertex` step-rate vertex buffer?XWXX<the pipeline layout, associated with the current render pipeline, contains a bind group layout at index which is incompatible with the bind group layout associated with the bind group at Xh\YT  index buffer must be setZvertex buffer must be set Z.Z render pipeline must be setLZblend constant needs to be setpZUnimplementedInvalidScissorRectInvalidViewportDepthInvalidViewportDimensionPushConstantsAMissingTextureUsageaMissingBufferUsageDestroyedBufferUsageConflictDIncompatiblePipelineRodsIncompatiblePipelineTargetsFInvalidQuerySetInvalidPipelineInvalidDynamicOffsetCountactualbexpectedUnalignedBufferOffsetBindGroupIndexOutOfRangemaxInvalidRenderBundleInvalidBindGroupHIH$]JKLMSupport for is not implemented yet`] l]Scissor is not contained in the render target ]]'Viewport minDepth and/or maxDepth are not in [0, 1]]]]Viewport width and/or height are less than or equal to 0$^3^B^buffer is destroyedx^^ pipeline writes to depth/stencil, while the pass has read-only depth/stencil^LRender pipeline targets are incompatible with render pass^9QuerySet is invalid4_ =_ render pipeline X_=_ number of buffer offsets () does not match the number of dynamic bindings ()x__1_dynamic buffer offset does not respect device's requested `` limit __&`bind group index is greater than the device's requested `max_bind_group` limit 8`I`?render bundle `=_ bind group ` =_ RectxywhidTexturemip_levelsarray_layersinvalid_useBufferTextureInvalidBufferInvalidAttempted to use a texture (mips layers ) with .ka!aaaAttempted to use buffer with aaAttempted to use invalid texturea Attempted to use invalid bufferbInvalidUsecurrent_statenew_statedescription() is deprecated; use DisplaySomeNoneQ}/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/ `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/"Push constant offset must be aligned to 4 bytes.d0Tdc Push constant size must be aligned to 4 bytes. e.Tdc heleError formatting error/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/ note: f leeZ = ``b@fDf Unexpected backend pfeZbind groupeZ%bind group layouteZ+render pipelineeZ1compute pipelineeZ7buffereZAtextureeZKtexture vieweZUsamplereZ[command buffereZaquery set$$gIn gContextErrorstringcauselabel_keylabelacquired frame is still referenced>h"surface image is already acquiredhh!surface is not configured for presentationh*surface is invalidhrequested usage is not supportedh requested alpha mode is not in the list of supported alpha modes: i!i.requested present mode is not in the list of supported present modes: `iwi0requested format is not in list of supported formats: ii&surface does not support the adapter's queue familyj3Both `Surface` width and height must be non-zero. Wait to recreate the `Surface` until the window has non-zero area.invalid surfacekTextureSelectormipslayersComplexTextureStateno entry found for keyinternal error: entered unreachable code: k*/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/]Auint($l.length())4l internal error: entered unreachable codek] Lk] kmatxkllveckl(l)lfloatBitsToUintlfloatBitsToIntluintBitsToFloatmbool(mfloat4muintDmintPmintBitsToFloat\mcalled `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` valuek] +unpackHalf2x16unpackUnorm2x16unpackSnorm2x16unpackUnorm4x8unpackSnorm4x8packHalf2x16packUnorm2x16packSnorm2x16packUnorm4x8packSnorm4x8findMSBfindLSBbitfieldInsertbitfieldExtractbitfieldReversebitCountdeterminanttransposeinverseinversesqrtsqrtsmoothstepstepmixfma * n + nsignrefractreflectfaceforwardnormalizelengthdistancecrossouterProductk] 'Correct TypeInner for dot product should be already validated(o=k] k] @dotpowlog2logexp2expldexpfrexpmodftruncfractroundEvenfloorceildegreesradiansatanhacoshasinhatanasinacostanhtansinhsincoshcosclamp( pk] , 0.0, 1.0,p , vec(0.0), vec(1.0)@pEp Op  clampmaxminabsk]M .uvecplklivecplint(q, q!isnan!isinfisinfisnananyallfwidthdFdydFdxk]q mix(Xq ? dq : pqk] "k] # qq - qtrunc(q / qk]0 ".qxyzwk]" "greaterThanEqual(greaterThan(lessThanEqual(lessThan(notEqual(equal(k] Cannot apply not to type hr!~-not(rk]r +k]x imageSamplestextureSamplesimageSizetextureSize, 0rtextureQueryLevels(rimageSize(s textureSize((s xyzk] 6k]"k]gsamplerCubeArrayShadow isn't supported in textureGrad, textureLod or texture with biastextureGradtextureGathertextureLodtextureOffsetkklk],k]ll, 0.0@tk] %, vec2(`t, 0.0)ptUnable to `textureLod` a shadow array, ignoring the LODt7naga::back::glslttk]. , vec2(0,0), vec2(0,0)t(0.0)@pEp uivec2(,u, 0)kzvoidd|maink]26qlk]| |k]k]kwk]&k]*k]%k]:yk]I{-{inout H}k]m&k]p:k]B'_group__binding__}} }k]mk]k]k] k] #k] imageLoadWGSL `textureLoad` from depth textures is not supported in GLSLtexelFetch < textureQueryLevels(f~) && ~ < textureSamples(~all(lessThan(~ < ~))~, ivec(0)~~, textureSize(~qkk_clamped_lod, - ivec(1)@G - 1\, clamp(h, 0, textureSamples(x) - 1) k]u vec4(kimagesamplerMSShadowhighp kkkkkArrayk] k] >k] $k] Unable to write type `int = clamp(kk , 0, textureQueryLevels() - 1); Ѐqnk]k]a k]c imageStore(  k]Vk]rk]`}dk]60, readonly  writeonly  k]_block_kākk]k]{ k]&>; } k]&k] k] Bad array sizek] #false0.00u0k]Conflicting samplers for Ђttk]k]k]k]#$k]$k]:k];!k]Kk]P?Version ttk]attributeconstuniformvaryingbuffersharedcoherentvolatilerestrictreadonlywriteonlyatomic_uintlayoutcentroidflatsmoothnoperspectivepatchsamplebreakcontinuedoforwhileswitchcasedefaultifelsesubroutineinoutdoubletrueinvariantprecisediscardmat2mat3mat4dmat2dmat3dmat4mat2x2mat2x3mat2x4dmat2x2dmat2x3dmat2x4mat3x2mat3x3mat3x4dmat3x2dmat3x3dmat3x4mat4x2mat4x3mat4x4dmat4x2dmat4x3dmat4x4vec2vec3vec4ivec2ivec3ivec4bvec2bvec3bvec4dvec2dvec3dvec4uvec2uvec3uvec4lowpmediumphighpprecisionsampler1Dsampler2Dsampler3DsamplerCubesampler1DShadowsampler2DShadowsamplerCubeShadowsampler1DArraysampler2DArraysampler1DArrayShadowsampler2DArrayShadowisampler1Disampler2Disampler3DisamplerCubeisampler1DArrayisampler2DArrayusampler1Dusampler2Dusampler3DusamplerCubeusampler1DArrayusampler2DArraysampler2DRectsampler2DRectShadowRectusampler2DRectsamplerBufferisamplerBufferusamplerBuffersampler2DMSisampler2DMSusampler2DMSsampler2DMSArrayisampler2DMSArrayusampler2DMSArraysamplerCubeArraysamplerCubeArrayShadowisamplerCubeArrayusamplerCubeArrayimage1Diimage1Duimage1Dimage2Diimage2Duimage2Dimage3Diimage3Duimage3Dimage2DRectiimage2DRectuimage2DRectimageCubeiimageCubeuimageCubeimageBufferiimageBufferuimageBufferimage1DArrayiimage1DArrayuimage1DArrayimage2DArrayiimage2DArrayuimage2DArrayimageCubeArrayiimageCubeArrayuimageCubeArrayimage2DMSiimage2DMSuimage2DMSimage2DMSArrayiimage2DMSArrayuimage2DMSArraystructcommonpartitionactiveasmclassunionenumtypedeftemplatethisresourcegotoinlinenoinlinepublicstaticexternexternalinterfacelongshorthalffixedunsignedsuperpinputoutputhvec2hvec3hvec4fvec2fvec3fvec4sampler3DRectfiltersizeofcastnamespaceusing Ńʃу؃ރ  &*0 =BHMUWZ_eiprv ||4mPmd|(m xDŽ̈́ӄڄ!(/6:>BGLQV[`ejDmoty~     ̅ۅ0 : D N Zix     ͆:    & 2 >N_pLJχևއ    ) 3 = H T ` l y    Ɉ؈   '- 6<?DIMT\`hlrz ‰ȉ͉҉׉܉  p|gl_dk]#version  #extension GL_EXT_texture_shadow_lod : require /precision highp float; ܐprecision highp int; layout(local_size_x = , local_size_y = , local_size_z = ) in; 2CTlayout(early_fragment_tests) in; |!unchangedlessgreaterlayout (depth_) out float gl_FragDepth; ʑEarly depth testing is not supported for this version of GLSL: ?ttk]3layout(num_views = XTk]Lk]P!struct qk]L'k]^k]bk]k]y"{#{ ,-{uniform k]/k]/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/$6Pb/ Pb;!PbPbPb/rustc/90743e7298aca107ddaa0c202a4d3604e29bfeb6/library/core/src/str/pattern.rsO!OO!OO!OO!OO&OpWebGL /Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/ `& ES `+GLSL ES `7 `> `>$Unable to extract the version from ''ȕ$wgpu_hal::gles::adapter `ZES not found in '4 `.0amd renoirradeon hd 4200radeon hd 4250radeon hd 4290radeon hd 4270radeon hd 4225radeon hd 3100radeon hd 3200radeon hd 3000radeon hd 3300radeon(tm) r4 graphicsradeon(tm) r5 graphicsradeon(tm) r6 graphicsradeon(tm) r7 graphicsradeon r7 graphicsnforcetegrashieldigpmaliintelv3dapple m xpressswiftshaderllvmpipemesa offscreenqualcommamdimgtecnvidiaarmbroadcommesaappleWEBGL_debug_renderer_infoVendor:  `Renderer: (  `Version: X  `Extensions:   `Returned GLES context is ., when 3.0+ was requestedؘ `SL version: @  `ANGLEMax vertex shader SSBO == 0 and SSTO != 0. Interpreting as false zero.uF ` GL_EXT_draw_buffers_indexedEXT_texture_filter_anisotropicGL_EXT_texture_border_clampGL_EXT_depth_clampWEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc_srgbEXT_texture_compression_rgtcEXT_texture_compression_bptcWEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tcWEBGL_compressed_texture_etcWEBGL_compressed_texture_astcGL_OES_texture_compression_astcGL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldrGL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_hdrGL_EXT_buffer_storageGL_EXT_texture_shadow_lodGL_EXT_color_buffer_floatEXT_color_buffer_floatGL_EXT_color_buffer_half_floatcalled `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` valueCould not create shader program  `=Could not create shader `@#version 300 es precision lowp float; // A triangle that fills the whole screen const vec2[3] TRIANGLE_POS = vec2[]( vec2( 0.0, -3.0), vec2(-3.0, 1.0), vec2( 3.0, 1.0) ); void main() { gl_Position = vec4(TRIANGLE_POS[gl_VertexID], 0.0, 1.0); } `E#version 300 es precision lowp float; uniform vec4 color; //Hack: Some WebGL implementations don't find "color" otherwise. uniform vec4 color_workaround; out vec4 frag; void main() { frag = color + color_workaround; } colorCould not find color uniform in shader clear shader `M&Fake map `Oassertion failed: start < u32::MAX as usize/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/`9 assertion failed: end < u32::MAX as usize`< `~`$`~not implemented` `:`S`V`{`internal error: entered unreachable code`o`e+`No uniform for push constant```B%`J`L``` ` called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/ Compiled shader wgpu_hal::gles::device_n Compile: L _tNaga generated shader: |__#version es void main(void) {}Т ٢Only vertex shader is present. Creating an empty fragment shader@__: Linked program x_ Link: _Get binding from program أ _Unable to re-map shader storage block to &F__%_%_7Offset already occupied_8_0_assertion failed: !is_coherent_ _%__"_*_G__b_ _ Unable to create a sampled texture binding for non-zero mipmap level or array layer. ȥUThis is an implementation problem of wgpu-hal/gles backend.(;__#__`Features::SPIRV_SHADER_PASSTHROUGH` is not enabled3_wait failed! _s_j/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/\^hUnexpected default RBO̧\^Z9Unsupported uniform datatype!\^\^$\^$\^$\^$\^$\^$\^$\^$\^$\^}$\^y$\^\^)\^\^6\^%Not implemented yet: compressed texture copy to buffer46wgpu_hal::gles::queuett\^YNot implemented yet: cubemap texture copy to buffer3tt\^_\^'\^"\^+\^"\^\^!\^2attempt to divide by zero\^+\^-\^H\^>!\^f\^$(\^%-\^1$\^2)not yet implemented\^<\^\^\^gUnexpected renderbufferp/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/\\O\P Bufferrawtargetsizemap_flagsdataImagesTexturesStorageBuffersUniformBuffers10/)p-cannot recursively acquire mutex /rustc/90743e7298aca107ddaa0c202a4d3604e29bfeb6/library/std/src/sys/wasm/../unsupported/locks/$f SomeNoneMutexdatapoisoned/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/]=attempt to calculate the remainder with a divisor of zeronot implemented/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/]HUnsupported uniform datatype!]  webgl2Cannot create WebGL2 context/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/`\$Cannot convert into WebGL2 contextantialiasCannot create context options`\L Cannot get documentcanvas[data-raw-handle=""]7OCannot query for canvas`\s6Canvas is not foundFailed to downcast to canvas typeCould not create shader program `\Could not create shader`\#version 300 es precision mediump float; // A triangle that fills the whole screen const vec2[3] TRIANGLE_POS = vec2[]( vec2( 0.0, -3.0), vec2(-3.0, 1.0), vec2( 3.0, 1.0) ); const vec2[3] TRIANGLE_UV = vec2[]( vec2( 0.5, 1.), vec2( -1.0, -1.0), vec2( 2.0, -1.0) ); out vec2 uv; void main() { uv = TRIANGLE_UV[gl_VertexID]; gl_Position = vec4(TRIANGLE_POS[gl_VertexID], 0.0, 1.0); }`\#version 300 es precision mediump float; in vec2 uv; uniform sampler2D present_texture; out vec4 frag; vec4 linear_to_srgb(vec4 linear) { vec3 color_linear = linear.rgb; vec3 selector = ceil(color_linear - 0.0031308); // 0 if under value, 1 if over vec3 under = 12.92 * color_linear; vec3 over = 1.055 * pow(color_linear, vec3(0.41666)) - 0.055; vec3 result = mix(under, over, selector); return vec4(result, linear.a); } void main() { frag = linear_to_srgb(texture(present_texture, uv)); }called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value`\`\called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value`\'`\$called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value/rustc/90743e7298aca107ddaa0c202a4d3604e29bfeb6/library/alloc/src/sync.rsضIضI/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/^l #extension GL_ARB_compute_shader : require +#extension GL_ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object : require 9#extension GL_ARB_gpu_shader_fp64 : require 0,#extension GL_EXT_texture_cube_map_array : require d3#extension GL_ARB_texture_cube_map_array : require 3#extension GL_OES_texture_storage_multisample_2d_array : require ܸA#extension ARB_arrays_of_arrays : require ,*#extension GL_NV_image_formats : require `)#extension GL_ARB_shader_image_load_store : require 4#extension GL_EXT_conservative_depth : require Թ/#extension GL_ARB_conservative_depth : require /#extension GL_OES_sample_variables : require D-#extension GL_OVR_multiview2 : require |'#extension GL_EXT_multiview : require &#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader5 : require ܺ(#extension GL_ARB_shader_texture_image_samples : require 9#extension GL_ARB_texture_query_levels : require P1/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/ CapacityError insufficient capacity,LostOutOfMemoryInstanceError | 0x(empty)STORAGE_READ_WRITECOPY_SRCCOPY_DSTMAP_READMAP_WRITEINDEXVERTEXUNIFORMSTORAGE_READINDIRECTINCLUSIVEEXCLUSIVEORDEREDUNINITIALIZEDPRESENTRESOURCECOLOR_TARGETDEPTH_STENCIL_READDEPTH_STENCIL_WRITECOMPLEXUNKNOWNcalled `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value /Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/|`' 4assertion failed: idx < CAPACITY/rustc/90743e7298aca107ddaa0c202a4d3604e29bfeb6/library/alloc/src/collections/btree/node.rsassertion failed: edge.height == self.height - 1L[ L[ assertion failed: src.len() == dst.len()L[L[VL[assertion failed: edge.height == self.node.height - 1L[ called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value/rustc/90743e7298aca107ddaa0c202a4d3604e29bfeb6/library/alloc/src/collections/btree/navigate.rsÿ_L called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value/rustc/90743e7298aca107ddaa0c202a4d3604e29bfeb6/library/alloc/src/collections/btree/map/entry.rsw`u PoisonErrorIndexSet: index out of boundscalled `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/[_!Rebind buffer: -> , register=, slot= wgpu_hal::gles::device[_1[_*[_<[_="[_K[_P[_E a Display implementation returned an error unexpectedly/rustc/90743e7298aca107ddaa0c202a4d3604e29bfeb6/library/alloc/src/string.rsK other errorredefinition of ``o/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/^,;^0:previous definition of `^4Aname `` is a reserved keywordLR^ definition of `^$4invalid left-hand side of assignmentcannot assign to this expression'' is an immutable binding^Bconsider declaring it with `var` instead of `let`WGSL does not support assignments to swizzlesconsider assigning each component individually must be a referencedexpression is not a referencethe operand of the `*` operator must be a pointerexpression is not a pointer must not be a pointerdUexpression is a pointeratomic operand type is inconsistent with the operationatomic operand type is invalidatomic operation is done on a pointer to a non-atomicatomic pointer is invalidvariable `` needs a '' attribute5 ? J ^^4` needs a type5 ^A^4the type of `` is expected to be ` ^^4type can't be inferredtype `` is not constructibleBH^Etype is not constructibleunknown local function `^Bunknown local functioninput/output binding is not consistentstruct member alignment must be a power of 2must be a power of 2struct member alignment must be at least P)must be at least struct member size must be at least $unknown conservative depth: '^unknown conservative depthunknown storage format: '&^Cunknown storage formatunknown type: 'v^9unknown typeunknown scalar type: '^@unknown scalar typeValid scalar types are f16, f32, f64, i8, i16, i32, i64, u8, u16, u32, u64, boolno definition in scope for identifier: 'O(unknown identifierunknown shader stage: '^Aunknown shader stageunknown access: '^;unknown accessunknown builtin: '*^<unknown builtinunknown attribute: 'k^>unknown attributeunknown address space: '^Bunknown address spaceIdentifier starts with a reserved prefix: '+^yinvalid identifierIdentifier can't be '_'Use phony assignment instead ('_ =' notice the absence of 'let' or 'var')invalid type for constructor component at index []1invalid component typetextureGather component doesn't exist, must be 0, 1, 2, or 3.%invalid componentA break if is only allowed in a continuing blocknot in a continuing blockfor(;;) initializer is not an assignment or a function call: '>^Qnot an assignment or function callincrement/decrement operation requires reference type to be one of i32 or u32must be a reference type of i32 or u32texture sample type must be one of f32, i32 or u32, but found >must be one of f32, i32 or u32cannot cast a to a $expected an image, but found '' which is not an image<Z^8not an imageinvalid field accessor `^ invalid accessormatrix scalar type must be floating-point, but found `6must be floating-point (e.g. `f32`)expected unsigned integer constant expression, found `S6^expected unsigned integerexpected non-negative integer literal, found `.^expected non-negative integer: `d1^4unexpected componentsglobal item ('struct', 'let', 'var', 'type', ';', 'fn') or the end of the fileworkgroup size separator (',') or a closing parenthesisswitch item ('case' or 'default') or a closing curly bracket to signify the end of the switch statement ('}')statementtype attributefield name or a closing curly bracket to signify the end of the structassignment or increment/decrementexpressionconstantunsigned/signed integer literal32-bit floating-point literal32-bit unsigned integer literal32-bit signed integer literalidentifierendtriviaunknown ('')~ ->decrement operationincrement operationbitshift ('=') doperation ('  dlogical operation ('  number@expected , found 'l u ^l ^X^%called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` valuebuiltininterpolateinvariantwgslcannot write error k      ^ called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value ^ d^^Type passed to atomic opnaga::front::wgsl$$^)^!=Pointer type to d$$^$^>assertion failed: self.rules.last().is_some()^z bitcast^&^:selectarrayLengthatomicLoadatomicAddatomicSubatomicAndatomicXoratomicMinatomicMaxatomicExchangeatomicCompareExchangeWeaktextureSampletextureSampleLeveltextureSampleBiastextureSampleGradtextureSampleComparetextureSampleCompareLeveltextureGathertextureGatherComparetextureLoadtextureDimensionstextureNumLevelstextureNumLayerstextureNumSamples^.truefalsearrayatomicboolf32f16i32mat2x2mat2x3mat2x4mat3x2mat3x3mat3x4mat4x2mat4x3mat4x4overrideptrsamplersampler_comparisonstructtexture_1dtexture_2dtexture_2d_arraytexture_3dtexture_cubetexture_cube_arraytexture_multisampled_2dtexture_storage_1dtexture_storage_2dtexture_storage_2d_arraytexture_storage_3dtexture_depth_2dtexture_depth_2d_arraytexture_depth_cubetexture_depth_cube_arraytexture_depth_multisampled_2du32vec2vec3vec4breakcaseconstcontinuecontinuingdefaultdiscardelseenablefallthroughfnforfunctionifletloopprivatereturnstorageswitchtypeuniformvarwhileworkgroupAppendStructuredBufferBlendStateBufferByteAddressBufferCompileShaderComputeShaderConsumeStructuredBufferDepthStencilStateDepthStencilViewDomainShaderGeometryShaderHullshaderInputPatchLineStreamNULLOutputPatchPixelShaderPointStreamRWBufferRWByteAddressBufferRWStructuredBufferRWTexture1DRWTexture1DArrayRWTexture2DRWTexture2DArrayRWTexture3DRasterizerStateRenderTargetViewSamplerComparisonStateSamplerStateSelfStructuredBufferTexture1DTexture1DArrayTexture2DTexture2DArrayTexture2DMSTexture2DMSArrayTexture3DTextureCubeTextureCubeArrayTriangleStreamVertexShaderabstractactivealignasalignofasasmasm_fragmentasyncatomic_uintattributeautoawaitbecomebf16binding_arraycastcatchcbuffercharclassco_awaitco_returnco_yieldcoherentcolumn_majorcommoncompilecompile_fragmentconceptconst_castconstevalconstexprconstinitcratedebuggerdecltypedeletedemotedemote_to_helperdodworddynamic_castenumexplicitexportextendsexternexternalf64filterfinalfinallyfixedfriendfromfvec2fvec3fvec4fxgroupgetgotogroupsharedhandlehighphvec2hvec3hvec4i16i64i8iimage1Diimage1DArrayiimage2Diimage2DArrayiimage2DMSiimage2DMSArrayiimage2DRectiimage3DiimageBufferiimageCubeiimageCubeArrayimage1Dimage1DArrayimage2Dimage2DArrayimage2DMSimage2DMSArrayimage2DRectimage3DimageBufferimageCubeimageCubeArrayimplimplementsimportinlineinoutinstanceofinterfaceisampler1Disampler1DArrayisampler2Disampler2DArrayisampler2DMSisampler2DMSArrayisampler2DRectisampler3DisamplerBufferisamplerCubeisamplerCubeArrayisubpassInputisubpassInputMSitexture1Ditexture1DArrayitexture2Ditexture2DArrayitexture2DMSitexture2DMSArrayitexture2DRectitexture3DitextureBufferitextureCubeitextureCubeArraylayoutlinelineadjlowpmacromacro_rulesmatmatchmatrixmediumpmetamodmodulemovemutmutablenamespacenewnilnoexceptnoinlinenointerpolationnoperspectivenullnullptrofoperatorpackagepackoffsetpartitionpasspatchpixelfragmentpointpreciseprecisionpremergeprivprotectedpubpublicreadonlyrefregardlessregisterreinterpret_castrequiresresourcerestrictrow_majorsampersampler1Dsampler1DArraysampler1DArrayShadowsampler1DShadowsampler2Dsampler2DArraysampler2DArrayShadowsampler2DMSsampler2DMSArraysampler2DRectsampler2DRectShadowsampler2DShadowsampler3Dsampler3DRectsamplerBuffersamplerCubesamplerCubeArraysamplerCubeArrayShadowsamplerCubeShadowsamplerShadowselfsetsharedsignedsizeofsmoothsnormstateblockstateblock_statestaticstatic_assertstatic_caststdstringsubpassInputsubpassInputMSsubroutinesupersuperptargettbuffertechniquetechnique10technique11templatetexture1Dtexture1DArraytexture2Dtexture2DArraytexture2DMStexture2DMSArraytexture2DRecttexture3DtextureBuffertextureCubetextureCubeArraythisthread_localthrowtraittriangletriangleadjtrytypedeftypeidtypenametypeofu16u64u8uimage1Duimage1DArrayuimage2Duimage2DArrayuimage2DMSuimage2DMSArrayuimage2DRectuimage3DuimageBufferuimageCubeuimageCubeArrayunionunlessunormunsafeunsignedunsizedusampler1Dusampler1DArrayusampler2Dusampler2DArrayusampler2DMSusampler2DMSArrayusampler2DRectusampler3DusamplerBufferusamplerCubeusamplerCubeArrayuseusingusubpassInputusubpassInputMSutexture1Dutexture1DArrayutexture2Dutexture2DArrayutexture2DMSutexture2DMSArrayutexture2DRectutexture3DutextureBufferutextureCubeutextureCubeArrayvaryingvecvectorvertexfragmentvirtualvoidvolatilewchar_twherewithwriteonlyyield 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supported%Multiple push constants aren't supported(The selected version doesn't support %Format error !Spanstartend {tndVPKF>70(!   description() is deprecated; use DisplaySomeNone*+*,**-*.*!*/**$*$*0*1*2**3/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/ "index out of bounds/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/^p^ExpressionMismatch*&ArgumentTypeindexrequired*$seen_expressionArgumentCountseenResultValue*4ResultAlreadyInScopeArgumenterrorForwardDeclaredFunctionBadHandle*5676879:;<=The emitted expression doesn't match the call -Argument value doesn't match the type D MTRequires arguments, but are provided  Result value is invalidResult expression has already been introduced earlier$ expression is invalidD , The callee is declared after the callerT 'ResultTypeMismatchInvalidOperandInvalidPointerResult type for doesn't match the statement  Operand has invalid type.  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'The function's given return type cannot be returned from functionsB has a type that can't be passed into functions.  @0Local variable '' is invalid Expression can't be introduced - it's already in scope ,  description() is deprecated; use Display/Users/firfi/.cargo/registry/src/`@`called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value@`?Indexing of  naga::valid::expression@`@`25 | BUFFER_STORAGEARRAY_OF_ARRAYSDOUBLE_TYPEFULL_IMAGE_FORMATSMULTISAMPLED_TEXTURESMULTISAMPLED_TEXTURE_ARRAYSCUBE_TEXTURES_ARRAYCOMPUTE_SHADERIMAGE_LOAD_STORECONSERVATIVE_DEPTHNOPERSPECTIVE_QUALIFIERSAMPLE_QUALIFIERCLIP_DISTANCECULL_DISTANCESAMPLE_VARIABLESDYNAMIC_ARRAY_SIZEMULTI_VIEWFMATEXTURE_SAMPLESTEXTURE_LEVELSIMAGE_SIZE0x(empty)MissingCapabilities[ZInvalidAtomicResultType[[InvalidArgumentType[W[![$WrongArgumentCountInvalidCastArgumentInvalidSampleLevelGradientType[UInvalidSampleLevelBiasTypeInvalidSampleLevelExactTypeInvalidGatherDimensionInvalidGatherComponent[-InvalidGatherLevelInvalidDepthSampleLevelInvalidDepthReferenceInvalidSampleOffset[$ComparisonSamplingMismatchimage[Tsampler[Vhas_refInvalidImageCoordinateTypeInvalidImageOtherIndexTypeInvalidImageArrayIndexTypeInvalidImageOtherIndexInvalidImageArrayIndexInvalidDerivativeInvalidImageClassExpectedSamplerType[$ExpectedImageTypeExpectedBindingArrayTypeCallToUndeclaredFunction[$ExpectedGlobalOrArgumentExpectedGlobalVariableType[\InvalidFloatArgumentInvalidBooleanVectorInvalidSelectTypesInvalidBinaryOperandTypes[SInvalidUnaryOperandType[RIndexableLength[]Compose[^InvalidSwizzleComponent[,InvalidVectorTypeInvalidSplatTypeInvalidArrayTypeInvalidPointerTypeFunctionArgumentDoesntExistIndexMustBeConstantIndexOutOfBounds[QInvalidIndexTypeInvalidBaseTypeBadDependency[5ForwardDependencyNotInScopeDoesntExist_`_a`bcdbeShader requires capability 8Atomic result type can't be of bytes\x|Argument [] to as expression has an invalid type. 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<`*DuplicateBuiltInBindingCollisionlocation!MemberMissingBindingMissingBindingInvalidBuiltInTypeInvalidBuiltInStageMissingInterpolationInvalidInterpolationNotIOShareableTypeBuilt-in is present more than once9a BaMultiple bindings at location are presentlaa Struct member is missing a bindingaaEntry point arguments and return values must all have bindingsa>Built-in type for is invalid$b6b is not available at this stage9a TbInterpolation must be specified on vertex shader outputs and fragment shader inputsbSInterpolation is not validbThe type cannot be used for user-defined entry point inputs or outputsc c> does not match the varyingc \cFunctionInvalidIntegerInterpolationResultArgument$InvalidGlobalUsageForbiddenStageOperationsOutOfRangeWorkgroupSizeUnexpectedWorkgroupSizeUnexpectedEarlyDepthTestConflictxdLocation interpolation of an integer has to be flatd d+Argument varying errord eBindings for conflict with other resource e -eGlobal variable is used incorrectly as \eleUses operations 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wgpu_hal::gles::Adapter>::open::h3b7f599769348081Bnaga::front::wgsl::Parser::parse_type_decl_name::h3a03bdf796e486c37iced_wgpu::backend::Backend::present::ha57c2038c9e87b43;ttf_parser::tables::cmap::Subtables::get::h70e65dad67c83ad7Rttf_parser::tables::cff::dict::DictionaryParser::parse_operands::ha0a0b798cd4aa7441core::str::slice_error_fail_rt::h1003e7a5eaf44b0aKttf_parser::tables::cmap::format2::Subtable2::codepoints::h5de8df077ce3ae30Rnaga::back::glsl::features::FeaturesManager::check_availability::hc41deaacd871feeaRwgpu_core::track::buffer::BufferUsageScope::merge_bind_group::hdff518b0c21bc2a2wwgpu_hal::gles::queue:: for wgpu_hal::gles::Queue>::submit::h52f1c791c1954fed::fmt::h4dab75dcc6d5be36wgpu_hal::gles::device:: for 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core::iter::traits::collect::Extend<::Item>>::extend::hd6794acd7b98a157[::fmt::h0e9ce350241320233core::str::count::do_count_chars::h7676619e9373b388R::fmt::h4aaf1348de8f7088Kwinit::platform_impl::platform::backend::set_canvas_size::h30650083f1c71f14Pwgpu_core::init_tracker::texture::TextureInitTracker::discard::h1fca626555e6a0acS::fmt::h1524bdddec1605189ttf_parser::tables::gdef::Table::parse::hee54e8b255e30545Twgpu_core::device::>::sampler_drop::h0acedf3ba730c300Scodespan_reporting::term::views::ShortDiagnostic::render::hf1585cc1d7b15be3V::default::h552e76ca17d9c95b9std::sync::mpsc::Receiver::try_recv::h56b7d659c75c2178Lwgpu_core::track::buffer::BufferTracker::insert_single::hc2e08fbb9935d18fdlyon_geom::quadratic_bezier::QuadraticBezierSegment::for_each_flattened_with_t::h7fbaeb68e1dbce3f;hashbrown::map::HashMap::insert::h376cbe30ff1b1c037winit::event::WindowEvent::to_static::h6556df10fe2d7545Ilyon_tessellation::stroke::compute_join_side_positions::h51446cd42af5ee8d1::fmt::h1c57625e3da185ba\wgpu_core::device::>::pipeline_layout_drop::h22f2cec6adbcb87d@std::sync::mpsc::stream::Packet::drop_port::hbdb4fbbab4f01854n::next::hacb24c0154ec81ea>::bind_group_drop::h99f7a2a62cc2e6eb8indexmap::map::IndexMap::entry::hf6178d9ea74b365d>wgpu_core::command::render::RenderPass::new::h03fb572f6bb51e15s 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core::fmt::Debug>::fmt::h6db780defeb3ca95L::get::he64eaa70defb55bbIcore::fmt::float::::fmt::ha62b4e0fc23e8454Icore::fmt::float::::fmt::h35db08389d0fc730]::instance_create_surface::h69aaca91232f98c1,core::error::Error::cause::hb69356f059f9b7100<&T as core::fmt::Debug>::fmt::h6c82728f4ab5c733wgpu_render_pass_set_viewportwgpu_hal::gles::command:: for 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